We are a group of academics, mental health professionals, experience experts, and others researching the history of community mental health services in Australia.

We analyse the practices and critical perspectives that inspired them.


Learn more about us.

In our research on the history of community mental health, we trace the critical perspectives and practices that have inspired and shaped the history of community-based mental health services in Australia. Our research draws upon several historical and ethnographic methodologies, including the co-production of knowledge, narrative inquiry, and oral history in addition to more traditional methods such as archival research, literature searches, and locating and analysing “grey” literature.


Meet our pioneers

Read on to find out more about community psychiatry from the consumer activists who fought to establish the first support and advocacy groups administered by and for people with lived-experience in the mental health system. Then, read about the first mental health crisis teams and theapeutic communities from the psychiatrists, nurses and social workers who comprised these new interdisciplinary teams.

Learn more about the Team.